Contact: Zina L. Carter
Claudia Schultz pulls back a covering revealing a plaque dedicated in honor of her late husband, Alvin, while Wharton County Junior College President Betty McCrohan looks on during a recent tree dedication ceremony held at WCJC‚s Wharton campus. Alvin Schultz retired from the college in June of 2016 after more than 28 years of working in facilities and maintenance. He was hired as the college‚s first full-time electrician in November of 1987. After he passed away, college employees took up a donation to purchase a tree and plaque in his honor. The tree was planted near the Reynolds Building, located on the east side of the Wharton campus. McCrohan, WCJC‚s Director of Facilities Mike Feyen, Schultz‚s family members and friends all shared memories during the event.